Fact of the Day: Thu-10-Mar-2022

Fact of the Day: 10/03/2022 There are many colors, such as blue, red, green, etc. Are black and white colors? According to britannica.com, “If color is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcasts and...

Fact of the Day: Wed-09-Mar-2022

Fact of the Day: 09/03/2022 Egypt is most famous for its ancient monuments, including the great pyramids and the Sphinx. Who constructed the Sphinx? According to brittanica.com, there is some debate regarding who is actually responsible for it. Some say Khafre built...

Fact of the Day: Tue-08-Mar-2022

Fact of the Day: 08/03/2022 Have you ever seen Pop Art before? Most of the paintings seem to pop out of the paper. When was Pop Art introduced? According to ThoughtCo, “Pop Art was born in Britain in the mid-1950s . . . [and] . . . the term Pop Art . . . [was coined]...

Fact of the Day: Mon-07-Mar-2022

Fact of the Day: 07/03/2022 There are many famous artists, including Pablo Piccaso, Leonardo Da Vinci, and so on. Today we are going to look at another famous artist, Vincent van Gogh. Who was Vincent van Gogh? According to Brittanica.com, he was a Dutch painter . . ....

Fact of the Day: Fri-04-Mar-2022

Fact of the Day: 04/03/2022 Society has come a long way when it comes to construction—from twig huts to nice, sturdy houses. One of the primary materials used in  these sturdy houses is cement. Who created cement? According to WCA, “The precursor to modern-day cement...