Fact of the Day: Fri-27-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 27/01/2023 In health class you will hear about white blood cells, but do you know how they help the body? A basic description of white blood cells is that they help the body fight infection and are a part of the immune system. According to...

Fact of the Day: Thu-26-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 26/01/2023 There are many well-known sea creatures, but have you ever heard of a blue glaucus? The blue glaucus is a very small species of sea slug. Its distinctive blue coloration serves as camouflage, helping it blend in with the surrounding ocean...

Fact of the Day: Wed-25-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 25/01/2023 The compass is an ingenious invention that helps many navigate the world, but what is it and how does it really work? The compass was first invented in China around 200 B.C. (Interesting Engineering, section 2). Over time, it has improved...

Fact of the Day: Tue-24-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 24/01/2023 The future of space exploration is quickly changing, and new technology from NASA is helping speed up the process. How? The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program is a big contributor to the influx of new technology. This program mainly...

Fact of the Day: Mon-23-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 23/01/2023 Scientists have been studying the carbon cycle for a long time, but that doesn’t mean everything is understood. In fact, they may have just found a new impactful discovery.  Microorganisms are small single-celled organisms. They can be...