Fact of the Day: Mon-23-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 23/01/2023 Scientists have been studying the carbon cycle for a long time, but that doesn’t mean everything is understood. In fact, they may have just found a new impactful discovery.  Microorganisms are small single-celled organisms. They can be...

Fact of the Day: Fri-20-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 20/01/2023 Morse Code is often seen in shows and movies, but what is it really? It is a type of language that includes characters such as dots and dashes. You can communicate in this language by flashing a light a certain number of times or by using a...

Fact of the Day: Thu-19-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 19/01/2023 We now take for granted machines like the printing press, but do you really know how impactful this creation has been? The printing press started out in China around 860 A.D. and later made its way to Europe around the 15th century....

Fact of the Day: Wed-18-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 18/01/2023 There are many well-known astronauts and scientists that have been around for a long time, but have you ever heard of a young woman named Tiera Fletcher? She grew up in a small town in Georgia and has loved space engineering from a very...

Fact of the Day: Tue-17-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 17/01/2023 Normally when you think of bacteria you probably think of bacteria-caused illnesses, but did you know that some bacteria are actually good for your health? A bacterium is a single-celled organism that can be found almost anywhere. Some...

Fact of the Day: Mon-16-Jan-2023

Fact of the Day: 16/01/2023 You have heard of a crocodile and you have heard of a shark, but have you ever heard of a crocodile shark? Even though it has ‘crocodile’ in its name, this animal is actually a type of shark. It was named ‘crocodile’ because of the intense...