Fact of the Day: 01/12/2022

Art is important to many cultures, and it is used in significant ways in most places. Native American art specifically is very detailed and can speak a lot to Native culture. What is Native American art? According to Britannica.com, “The basic role of the American Indian artist is the same as that of the artist in any culture: to arouse an emotional response in his or her audience” (par. 4). Some art is based on nature, while some is simply based on shapes. There is some speculation that some Native American art pieces may have been inspired by vision quests, which are sort of like dream states (par. 5). Historically, much Native art would be used to worship and some art would discuss current events going on through paint and sculptures (par. 7-12). The materials the artist used often depended on the surrounding environment, but shells, hair, and plants were often used (par. 13). Art meant a lot to the Native Americans and still means a lot now. You can see some of their art in places like the Smithsonian. 

Reference(s): https://www.britannica.com/art/Native-American-art

Extra Resource(s): https://www.si.edu/unit/american-indian-museum 

Fact Author: Bailey W.

Fact Editor: Ace

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