Fact of the Day: 23/05/2022
Have you ever bought a story book where the image pops out of the page? The pop-up really helps visualize what the book is trying to say. Who invented the first such book? According to Wonderopolis.org, “No one is sure when the first movable book was made. However, historians have uncovered a manuscript for an astrological book from 1306. The author was a Catalan mystic and poet named Ramon Llull. He made a revolving disc called a volvelle to help illustrate his astronomical theories” (“How Are Pop-Up Books Made?” par. 6). Other sources, such as Domestika, credit Benedictine monk Matthew Paris with creating the first pop-up book, which was meant to track religious holiday seasons (“A Brief History of Pop-Up Books” par. 2). Next time you open a pop-up book, remember to appreciate the hard work that went into creating it.
- “How Are Pop-Up Books Made?” https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/How-Are-Pop-Up-Books-Made
- “A Brief History of Pop-Up Books” https://www.domestika.org/en/blog/5236-a-brief-history-of-pop-up-books
Image Source: https://d3mvlb3hz2g78.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/thumb_720_450_dreamstime_m_197912599.jpg
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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