Fact of the Day: 02/06/2022
Today, we can easily watch videos and footage in color. Who helped us gain this privilege? BBC News answers, “Edward Raymond Turner from London . . . patented his [color] process on 22 March, 1899” and created the first colored films (“World’s first colour film footage viewed for first time” par. 5). We often take so many things for granted, such as easy access to colorful videos. It is always good to be thankful and appreciate what we have.
Reference(s): https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-19557914
Image Source: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/62832000/jpg/_62832129_62823277.jpg
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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