Fact of the Day: 02/09/2021
Did you know that there are multiple ways to specify a color? You can name the color—for example, “white”—or you can use a color type to specify to a computer which color to render. RGB (or RGBA) is a common way to express colors, and it is used in many programming languages.
An RGB color value expresses a color in terms of red, green, and blue (hence the RGB abbreviation). The amount of red, green, or blue can vary from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 255. The color white is expressed as rgb(255, 255, 255).
RGBA is an extension of RGB. The ‘A’ stands for “alpha” and is used to specify the opacity of a color. In other words, you can make the color more or less transparent by adding the alpha parameter, which also ranges from 0 to 255 in value.
Further Exploration: If you’d like to see how we use RGB/RGBA in website programming (through the coding language of CSS), check out this article: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_colors_rgb.asp
Fact Author: Ace
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