Fact of the Day: 07/06/2022
Many of us use a hair dryer to dry our hair instead of standing out in the sun. Who invented this useful tool? “In 1888, Alexandre-Ferdinand Godefroy, a French coiffeur inventeur—that’s hairstylist inventor—patented the hair dryer’s earliest ancestor. The contraption was to be hooked up ‘to any suitable form of heater,’ which would send hot air through a pipe to a dome surrounding the woman’s head” (Gross par. 1). Do you prefer hand-held hair blowers or the big ones in hair salons?
Reference(s): https://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/21/magazine/who-made-that-hair-dryer.html
Image Source: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2013/07/21/magazine/21wmt/mag-21WMT-t_CA0-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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