Fact of the Day: 15/03/2022
We use outlets for many things, from charging our computers to powering fans and other appliances. You can’t, however, use an outlet without a plug! Have you ever been curious to find out who invented the electrical plug? According to the Spark Museum’s website, “Harvey Hubbell . . . founded Hubbell Incorporated . . . [and] . . . devised a two-part device that would allow portable appliances to quickly pull away from light sockets. The base of the device screwed into the light socket, and a two-pronged plug cap that was connected to the appliance cord would allow the two to be easily separated” (“The story of the invention of the electrical plug” par. 8-9). Hubbell thus created the modern plug. How would we use our appliances without it?
Reference(s): https://www.sparkmuseum.org/the-story-of-the-invention-of-the-electrical-plug/
Image Source: https://www.sparkmuseum.org/wp-content/uploads/sparkplugs.jpg
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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