Fact of the Day: 17/05/2022
In the fable “The Three Little Pigs,” each of the three pigs picks a material with which to build his house—straw, sticks, or bricks—but only the brick house survives the Big Bad Wolf’s blowing. How come brick is a strong material? Wonderopolis.org explains that bricks are made from clay that has been hardened by heating it to tremendously hot temperatures (“Why Are Brick Houses So Strong?” par. 21). Because of the high temperatures to which the clay is exposed, “the clay particles fuse together to form a super-strong bond that makes clay bricks into metamorphic rocks” (par. 24). As a result, brick “doesn’t break, rot . . . [and] will not be eaten by termites or other insects that might otherwise feast on . . . straw or sticks,” which makes it a great building material (par. 23). Do you know any strong building materials other than brick?
Reference(s): https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-are-brick-houses-so-strong
Image Source: http://bprimary.co.za/buyabrick/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/10-1.jpg
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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