Fact of the Day: 29/03/2022
Sometimes when we go to the bookstore we notice there are comic books and there are graphic novels. The insides of the books have the same format, so what is the difference? According to Master Class, “Graphic novels contain complete narratives, whether or not they are part of a larger series. Comic books contain excerpts of serialized narratives. It can be difficult to read a comic book if you haven’t read the comic that comes directly before it in series” (“Is It a Comic Book or Graphic Novel?” par. 31-32). Which do you like better, comic books or graphic novels?
Image (top right): https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2017/05/05/13/retro-comic-book.jpg?quality=75&width=1200&auto=webp
Image (bottom right): https://www.scholastic.com/content/dam/scholastic/educators/book-lists/top-graphic-novels_BL_16-9.jpg.corpimagerendition.xxl.1400.788.png
Fact Author: Durga I.
Fact Editor: Ace

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